Finding a trustworthy German document translation service provider just about anywhere in Australia is quite easy as there are a number of very good translation services available. If you do not need to meet the translator personally, then finding a German translation service online is easy and it doesn’t really matter where you live as there are suitable translators in every city.
Unless the documents you have are not particularly important you should stick to a German NAATI translator to do the document translation for you. If your documents are intended to be submitted to any government agency or to an employer, then you may find that only documents that have been translated by an accredited NAATI translator are acceptable, anyway.
Not all German translation service providers specialise so it is worth reading the translation company’s own website quite carefully before you approach them to ask for a quote. If, for instance, you have medical or legal documents you want translating, then make sure that the translation service specialises in that sort of document translation.
If you want certificates or personal documents like birth and marriage certificates, educational and professional qualifications and employment records translated these are usually the sorts of documents that just about any sort of translator will be able to do for you. The only difference might be in the price per document (they usually charge by the word) or the turn-around time and if they provide an express service or are able to translate at awkward times such as weekends or public holidays. Usually, there is a surcharge for these services.
If you do have a lot of translation work needed and it is likely to be ongoing, then it makes sense to build up a working relationship with the translation company and especially with the translator who is likely to do most of the German translation for you. You will want to keep a translation service that is open to communication and listens to the specific details of what you want.
Remember that it is unlikely that you will understand any of your documents once they are translated, so it is important that you can trust the translator to do the job well. You will get feedback from the people you send your documents to, so that will help you to feel confident that the translator you have chosen is indeed doing a good job. Also remember that you can help the translator do their work better by making sure that you provide clear, easy to understand instructions about the nature of the document and who it is intended for.